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Location: Oklahoma, Tulsa, United States

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

“Where goes California, so goes the Nation”

Now, I’m an easy going guy and I enjoy the finer yet simpler things in life just as much as anyone else does. Legalizing Marijuana is a Sucker Play. Vote "No" on Proposition 19 . . . Why?

#1) The State cannot tax it. People will just grow their own as they do now. State revenue value $0.00.

The State of California will increase its revenue by legalizing Marijuana through:
  1. Increased traffic fines for driving with it in your system.
  2. Increased home monitoring system revenue while you are serving your sentence for however long.
  3. Increased participation in 250+ hours community service is mandatory.
  4. Increased reliance on public transportation to your Court ordered drug treatment program for however long.
  5. Increased State DMV fines and fees to get your Driver’s license back after however long.
  6. Increased revenue from fees collected from your Court ordered ignition lock device placed in your car for however long.
  7. You will still lose your job over it. You can’t get a job with it.
  8. Bypassing more State and Federal  regulations in place to protect U.S. citizens as they did with Family Law for financial gain.
You will still lose your job over it. You can’t get a job with it.

Welcome to the State’s Social programs for subsistence... Thanks for playing. WTF were you thinking.

I smell yet another RICO statute violation by the State of California.

California has been legislating Larceny and Extortion since the Democrats took Sacramento . . . Decades. The California Lottery was to finance Education; and didn’t and that’s called racketeering. The most shining example of California legislated larceny and extortion is “Uncontested Divorce”. Today a child will lose a parent; a parent will go broke trying to protect their relationship with their child. The State will convey to them that try: Your Constitutional Rights don't apply here, It’s in the best interest of the Child. . . When it’s really just bad State business. $$$$$ . . . California could not give a Damn about the best interest of a child; though it has made a political good smoke screen up til now to dodge civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Employee payroll taxes have been tapped-out, because some idiot feels it necessary to protect some preverbal gerbil that escaped an actor’s orifice and has made its way to live under a deck in Speaker Pelosi’s backyard and those programs are pathetic. The State budget is loaded with that kind of B.S. I'll trounce the Environmental position when Congress takes up Cap and Trade.

California has the second worst credit rating in the world next to Greece. So, it should be of no surprise that like any other criminal organization, Sacramento has to legislate State and Federal Penal Code get a rounds to increase revenue like they did with Family Law. i.e. larceny/extortion and now going after drugs. Stooping that low should make the California State Government a target, for the DEA and FBI, for facilitating among others, larceny, extortion and drug even child trafficking with conspiracy to commit. Ah, hahaha-haha.

The State "Well trafficking children through Family Law worked for a while but it just doesn't have the zip it used to have . . . Oh, I know, lets traffic drugs, so they'll forget the Family Law thing and wont sue us" mentality.

Sacramento legislates Criminal Code work a rounds to take advantage of people and usurp the State and U.S. Constitutions to deny personal rights for financial gain. It could not be any plainer if it were a well calculated mathematical equation and therein lays the DNA of a Liberal Democrat (Socialism/Communism) aka Progressive. Obama, are you listening?

So, you see, Legalizing Marijuana is no more than a California State sponsored Liberal sucker play to take advantage of people. Vote "No" on Proposition 19



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| 5:42 PM


Blogger Erika Snow said...

First, California is already taxing cannabis, quite successfully, to the tune of $50-100 million a year. So there goes your #1 "The State cannot tax it. People will just grow their own as they do now. State revenue value $0.00."

Second, with regard to this being a "Liberal Democrat (Socialism/Communism) aka Progressive" plot to "usurp State and U.S. Constitution to deny personal rights," the top Democrats in the state (Jerry Brown, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Kamala Harris, among others) are all against it. However, the Republican Liberty Caucus has endorsed it, saying, in part: "Clearly the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle free men and women living on free soil to grow and smoke marijuana. Prop. 19 respects this right, while at the same time highlighting that under our Constitution, the federal government does not have authority to control the sale and possession of marijuana.”

I see you're in Oklahoma, so maybe you missed this, but a ballot initiative amends the state Constitution itself, by direct vote of the People. And I don't recall anything in the U.S. Constitution about cannabis or drug regulation at all. George Washington and other Founding Fathers grew hemp, and there is evidence (see Day 7) that Washington, at least, grew it as much, if not more, for its psychoactive/ medicinal properties than its value as a textile.

4:44 PM  

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